CODE OF CONDUCT - East Coast Bays United Softball Club Inc

This code of conduct is issued by the Committee of the East Coast Bays United Softball Association Inc (ECBUSC) and applies to all persons who are directly or indirectly within the ambit of ECBUSC. For the purpose of this code these persons are referred to as “members”.

The key requirement of the code is that all persons associated with ECBUSC.

“Will conduct themselves at all times in a manner which will enhance the sport of softball and the East Coast bays United Softball Club....”

In particular:

Members will at all times abide by the rules and bylaws of NHSA, not only the literal interpretation of the rules and bylaws but the spirit of the rules and bylaws.

  • Members will not use or condone the use of, or involvement with, stimulants or any illegal drug for performance enhancement and/or recreation.
  • Members will not engage in excessive use of alcohol and will only use alcohol at appropriate times and in appropriate places
  • Members will not consume alcohol or drugs on the sideline (or within the vicinity) of games of softball in which they are participating.
  • Members will not provide alcohol or drugs to any other person who is participating in a game of softball.
  • Members will not bring alcohol into any licensed area of the park.
  • Members will not provide alcohol to Members who are younger than the legal drinking age.
  • Members will not drink alcohol on or around the diamond.
  • Members are encouraged to purchase their alcohol from the NHSA bar and drink inside designated bar areas.
  • Members are not to consume alcohol whilst in their club playing uniforms, but must change, preferably into Club dress shirts
  • Members will not provide tobacco products to members who are younger than the legal smoking age
  • Members will not assault, attempt to assault, or aid and abet any assault or attempt to assault any officiators of the game, team members, team officials, spectators or any members or officials of the opposition
  • Members will not condone or be involved in any deliberate injury of players
  • Members will not be involved in using abusive, offensive, crude and unnecessary language and gestures, towards own team members, members of the opposition, and in particular, to any officiator of the game
  • Members will not damage or deface any equipment, buildings and property, and will actively discourage others from being involved in this type of activity.

Games Committee Code of Ethics

The NHSA and the games committee take a strong stand on all aggressions by participants against the established rules and codes of conduct. They also support Sport New Zealand on its stand on Fair Play and the Fair Play Sport Charter. NHSA exists for the game of softball and three key elements of this are the coaches, managers, and players. The following paragraphs provide guidance for these groups.

A Coach will:

  • Be a role model so as to inspire confidence
  • Be reasonable in their demands on players
  • Enhance and encourage the skill and performance of their team
  • Praise and encourage good performance
  • Be respectful of their team and oppositions ability as players
  • Be firm and fair
  • Encourage adherence to this Code

A Manager will:

  • Be a role model as to inspire confidence
  • Be responsible for the sound management and well being  for the good of their team
  • Ensure all players wear the correct uniform on the Diamond at all times
  • Encourage positive support on and off the field for all players, coaches, managers, scorers, officials and supporters. 
  • Encourage and promote particiation of your team and families in club fundraising events. 
  • Encourage adherence to this Code

​​​​​​​A Player will:

  • Play the game competitively, to win within both the spirit and the letter of the rules
  • Accept and conform to all rulings by game officials
  • Refrain from any conduct that in the opinion of the game officials render a player unfit to continue to play the game
  • Be supportive of team members and officials
  • Wear their Club uniform with pride and correctly: all grades including cap, black pants, ECB player shirt tucked in and U13+ Green Socks, Green Belt
  • Behave in an acceptable manner in accordance with this Code

A Spectator will:

  • Accept and conform to all rulings by game officials.
  • Refrain from any conduct that may be considered as inappropriate.
  • Be supportive of team members and officials.
  • Follow the NHSA alcohol Policy
  • Comply with the Code of Conduct.

Comply with NHSA Rules and Bylaws: 

102. Smoking and Vaping

Smoking or vaping is not permitted at any time in the following areas:

  • In the NHSA Softball Stadium or seating area;
  • In the walkway in front of the stadium, being the area between the 1st base dugout and the 3rd base dugout immediately in front of the seating area;
  • In any dugout (for clarity this includes any area where a team has set up for the game), including the skin diamond dugouts; or
  • In the playing area of diamond 1 and diamond 2 inside the boundary fences.

If a player smokes or vapes while part of a team that is competing the club will be subject to a fine of $150. 

104. Alcohol

104.3 Members or individuals related to a member will not bring alcohol into any licensed area of the park. Non-compliance shall result in a fine for the team of the offending individual. The fine for the first offence is $500 for Premier Team, $400 for a Premier Reserve team and $300 for a team in any other grade

Any fines that arise from non complance of NHSA rules and Bylaws, the club will pass these directly to the player or team for payment.