ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING  - Sunday 06 July 2024

The Executive Committee of East Coast Bays United Softball Club hereby gives notice that our Annual General Meeting will be held in the Stadium Meeting Room, Pure Athletic Stadium, Jack Hinton Drive, Albany, on Saturday 06 July 2024 commencing at 3.00pm.

We are now seeking nominations for the following positions where terms come to an end at the AGM.  These positions help make the club operate and need to be filled for the upcoming season.

  • Club Secretary
  • Club Treasurer

We also have two casual vacancies available which will be for 1 year to complete their term

  • Junior Club Captain (1 year term)
  • Club Captain (1 year term) 

We welcome all nominations for these positions, as well as nominations for new committee members.  The committee helps with every aspect of the club.  Many hands make light work, so we are always looking for new members that can bring a new prespective, help us grow and share the love of this great sport. If you wanted to talk about being on the committee and/or positions please reach out to any of our committee members. A list of our current members can be found  HERE 

Nominations are called for these vacant positions and any agenda items should be sent by email to no later 11.59pm on Saturday 01 June 2024 

For more information visit the website



Please see below role descriptions. - Please reach out to any of the current committee members to see how the roles operate and if this is right for you.   

14. Secretary 

14.1 The Secretary is the first point of contact for people within and outside of the Club on most aspects of the Clubs activities. They are the principal administrator for the Club.

14.2 The role of the Secretary shall include:

a. To carry out or delegate all of the administrative duties of the Club in such matters as; i. Preparing and distributing meeting agendas; ii. Keep minutes of the Committee meetings and distribute copies; iii. Keep signed copies of all meeting minutes on file; and iv. Deal with all Club correspondence, distributing for action or response where required.
B. To work alongside the Treasurer to ensure affiliation and registration documents are accurate and paid on time;
c. Maintain an accurate register of Club Members of the information as required by the NHSA;
d. Provide registration information to the NHSA by the prescribed dates;
e. Be the principal point of contact for all Club business; and
f. Act as a signatory on the Club accounts; and
g. Works alongside Club Captain in allocating and selecting Junior and Senior playing Teams

15. Treasurer 

15.1 The Treasurer maintains the finances of the Club. They provide advice and reports to the Committee to ensure that the Club operates within its annual budget.

15.2 The role of the Treasurer shall include:

a. Collecting subscriptions and all money due to the Club;
b. Pay Club accounts and record the information;
C. Maintain an up to date record of all financial transactions;
d. Ensuring all cash and cheques are promptly deposited into the Club account;
e. Provide a current financial report to the Committee at each meeting which shall include any accounts for payment;
f. Preparing a year end statement of accounts for the Auditors;
g. Present the annual financial report to the AGM;
h. Prepare and submit any statutory documents and GST Returns etc;
i. Ensure that the annual financial report is filed before 31 August with the Registrar of Incorporated Societies; and
j. Act as a signatory on the Club accounts.

16. Club Captain

16.1 The Club Captain works with the Club Committee and the NHSA Game Development Officer to maximise the development opportunities for all members of the Club – players, coaches, umpires, supporters etc. Examples include organising courses and events of interest that will assist in the development of Club Members.

16.2 The Role of Club Captain will include:
a. Vice President of the Club;
b. Appoint coaches in (consultation with the committee);
c. Appoint managers and mentors to teams and individuals;
d. Produce a Club Development Plan;
E. Meet regularly with the NHSA Development Officer;
f. Provide access to higher level development through available regional and national level courses;
g. Monitor individual Club member’s progress and development; and
h. Works alongside Club Secretary in allocating and selecting Junior and Senior playing Teams

17. Junior Club Captain
 17.1 The Junior Club Captain will work with the Senior Club Captain in development opportunities within the Club. Primarily the role is in the development of youth players and teams, along with coaches umpires and scorers in the junior game.

17.2 The role of Junior Club Captain will include:
a. Producing a Junior Club development plan;
b. Liaise with local schools on Youth Competition information in such matters as registration dates, start of season, fees, competition formats and development;
c. Ensure a player pathway is in place;
d. Ensure player development and enjoyment are key factors;
e. Co-ordinate the recruitment of junior players; and
f. Co-ordinate the recruitment of coaches and managers for junior teams;


Our ECB Softball Constitution sets out our principles, objects and rules by which the organisation will operate. Details the day-to-day management of an organisation or the procedures by which the principles or objects are to be implemented can be included in by-laws, regulations or policies.  

ECB received it's official certificate of incorporation on the 17 August 1977 and we are still going strong.